Club Rules and etiquette
Contact Information
Club: 01472 873468 or proshop@lacebymanorgolfclub.co.uk
Adam Bell - General Manager and PGA Professional
Gemma Cooling - Corporate Relationship Manager/Club Secretary
Ethan Payne- Director of Golf
Subscriptions and Membership Fees
Membership fees will be decided by the Proprietor and will be due for payment by 1 April each year.
An invoice will be sent to all existing members and payment will be required by 1 April.
Members are reminded that if you make payment by direct debit that these payments are for the period of 12 months and cannot be cancelled part way through a membership year.
Members who do not pay membership fees will no longer be a member of the club and will not be entitled to play the course without paying a green fee, hold a handicap, play in club competitions or use the bar card for discounts on drinks. The Management reserve the right to cancel or terminate membership at any time if they feel that a member is breaking rules or bringing the club into disrepute.
Members are liable for accidents caused on the golf course, practice grounds, driving range or clubhouse. Members are reminded that they are solely responsible for their possessions, 3rd party liability on the course, practice ground, driving range, clubhouse and other areas operated by the club.
Members, guests and visitors may park their car in the clubs car park. Any vehicle parked at the club is done so at the owners risk and the Management will not accept liability for any damage or theft occurring.
A member may bring up to three guests to play the course (per day) at a reduced green fee. Members are expected to ensure that guests adhere to the rules of the course and the club, including the dress code.
The club currently has the following committees:
General committee
Handicap and competitions committee Seniors committee
Ladies committee
Committees are not responsible for the running of the club or any financial arrangements appertaining to it. Committees cannot be formed or meetings held without the agreement of the Secretary and/or Proprietor.
Any complaints concerning matters affecting or connected with the club should be discussed with the General Manager or Club Secretary in person, by phone or by email. If she is not able to deal with it personally she will refer the matter to the relevant person(s) or committee.
Under no circumstances shall complaints be made directly to any member of Staff nor shall a member reprimand any member of Staff.
The Pro shop is stocked by the Club and takes care of all golf matters.
Opening Hours
Open before first tee time
Closing times variable depending upon time of the year.
Booking Tee Times
Tees can be booked and competitions entered in the Pro shop.
Members can book up to 6 days in advance (non-members 5 days).
Members can book tee times online but will need to register to be able to do so. Details of how to register are available from the Pro shop.
Booking online means that you can a book tee time 24 hours a day rather than only during Pro shop opening hours. Players that have booked tee times will always have priority on the tee.
Restricted Playing Times
The only time that playing times are restricted for any category of member are:
Competition days – unless you are playing in the competition
Matches against other clubs - when the tee is booked for the duration of time that the players in the match are teeing off.
Senior’s and Ladies’ days - Senior’s day is Thursday morning and Ladies is 09.00-10.30 on a Tuesday.
Details of when tees are booked can be found in the fixtures book, by looking at bookings online or contacting the Pro shop.
Dress Code
Shirts must have a collar and sleeves Turtleneck shirts may be worn
Ladies shirts may be sleeveless with a collar Tailored trousers or shorts
Shorts must be of a respectable length
Sports socks may be worn with shorts
Spiked or soft spiked golf shoes must be worn.
Football shirts, T-shirts or similar
Football shorts, beach shorts, tracksuits or combat shorts with multiple pockets, training shoes or other non-golf shoes.
Golf Equipment
The sharing of golf clubs or a golf bag is not permitted. Each player should have their own set of clubs and bag.
Bag Tags
Members must display their membership bag tags on their golf bag and ensure that guests are displaying their visitor’s ticket.
Slow play irritates everyone on the golf course. Members should be aware at all times of their position on the golf course. Any player who has lost a hole on the group ahead should wave those playing behind them through immediately. Players searching for a ball, unless found almost immediately, should allow the group following to play through. They should not wait until the ball has been declared lost (5 minutes) to signal to the group behind to play through. Play should not continue until it is safe to do so and the group let through are out of range. A round should take no more than four hours. Each player in the group is responsible for its pace of play.
Greens Staff
Players should at all times co-operate with greens staff to facilitate course maintenance. Green-keeping staff have priority on the course at all times. You must not play a ball if you think that there is a chance that it may reach a member of staff or another golfer. Greens staff are usually very co-operative and move to one side to enable you to continue your game, but please be aware that they have a job to do and so on occasions it may mean that you have a short wait before playing your next shot.
Tee Areas On the Course
White Markers – Used solely for club competitions unless otherwise authorised by the Golf Professional or Secretary. Yellow Markers – Used by Male members for all play other than competitions.
Red Markers – Used by Lady members for general play and competitions. May also be used by Juniors but not for handicap or competition purposes.
Members are reminded that at no time may they move tee markers from the positions that they have been placed by the greens staff.
Thunder and Lightning – If the foghorn is sounded you MUST take shelter or leave the course immediately. Players are advised to leave the course or take shelter in the event of a storm even if you do not hear the foghorn.
Retrieval of Golf Balls – We do not advise retrieving golf balls from ponds and dykes. Dyke sides are steep and can be slippery and the water in the pond is deep. Anyone retrieving a ball from a water hazard does so at their own risk.
Ice and Frost – Extreme caution MUST be taken when conditions are icy. Paths and bridges are not gritted on the course and could be slippery. Care MUST be taken when using them.
Fog – You MUST NOT tee off until the tree on the right hand corner of the 1st fairway is clearly visible. Anyone playing in ‘foggy’ conditions does so entirely at their own risk.
PITCHMARKS - It is the responsibility of every player to repair pitchmarks on greens.
DIVOTS - To be replaced on fairways and topsoil used to fill divots on tees where there are divot boxes.
BUNKERS - Should be thoroughly raked and sand left smooth when you have played out of them.
GOLF BAGS - Should always be left at the side of the green adjacent to the next tee.
GOLF BUGGIES - Must not encroach on the apron of the greens.
DIRECTIONAL SIGNS - Directional signs on the course must be obeyed and trolleys and buggies not taken beyond marked area.
Use of Trolleys and Buggies
Following adverse weather there may be a restriction on the use of trolleys or buggies on the course. Greens staff will decide when these restrictions will apply for the protection of the course and members must adhere to their decision.
The Round Bar Brasserie and The Orangery may be used by all members, guests and visitors.
Spikes are permitted in the Round Bar only.
Only food and drink supplied by the club can be consumed on the premises.
Club property, including any property loaned or hired to the club, must not be abused or tampered with in any way. Members and visitors should not interfere with any switches, thermostats or electrical controls within the clubhouse. Any faults should be immediately reported to a member of staff.
Articles of clothing must not be draped over heaters. Wet clothing should be hung in the changing room to dry and not taken into the Round Bar.
In accordance with Government legislation, the clubhouse is a non-smoking area. Please use smoking areas provided. Persons under the age of 18 may not buy alcohol from the bar. Staff may ask for identification if there is doubt over a person’s age.
Round Bar Basserie & The Orangery
Please see notices in bar or the website for current opening hours.
Clubhouse Dress Code
There are no specific restrictions with regard to dress in the clubhouse, although smart casual dress is expected by members and their visitors at all times. Golf shoes may not be worn in the Orangery.
If a member or guests are bringing young children to the club it is the responsibility of the adult who brings them to ensure that they are supervised at all times. They are not allowed onto the golf course and can only go onto balcony areas if accompanied by an adult.
Members Discount Card
Your bar card gives members 10% discount off drinks purchased from the Round Bar. It does not give discount off food.
Notice Boards
Notices can only be put onto club notice boards with authority from club staff. Notices must not be removed from notice boards without authority of club staff.
Lockers / Changing Rooms
Lockers always remain the property of the club, they are not transferable and the Secretary should be informed when a locker is vacated.
Articles left in lockers (and changing room areas) including clubs and clothing are done so at the owners risk and the Management do not accept liability for articles that are damaged, lost or stolen.
Rules for entering and playing in competitions:
• The entry opening date for each competition will be six weeks before the date of the competition. Competitions may be entered by telephone or in person at the Pro shop.
• Individual and pairs competitions can be entered within two time zones: Zone 1 – 7.30am-9.30am Zone 2 – 9.40am- 11.00am
The closing date for all competitions will be 2 days before the date of the competition when the Pro Shop closes (which may be variable throughout the year).
• If you wish to enter after the closing date, your name can be placed on a reserve list.
If someone drops out and you’re on the reserve list you will take that person’s place and pay entry fee.
• For competitions where a draw for playing partner and tee times is being made this will be undertaken on the day following the closing date. Once the draw has been made your tee time will be emailed to you.
• If you cancel an entry into a competition less than 24 hours before the date of the competition, or fail to arrive on the day, you will not be able to enter the next monthly medal or trophy competition. Members may appeal against this penalty by sending an email or letter to the Handicap & Competitions committee giving reasons for the cancellation.
• Players who fail to return a scorecard from a competition that they have entered will be given a score of no return and their handicap will be increased by 0.1 in accordance with the handicapping rules.
• If a player returns two non returns within the calendar year of 1st January to 31st December they will incur the 0.1 handicap increase and may not play in the next monthly medal or trophy competition.
• Players who fail to complete a round and walk off the course (excluding emergencies) will be unable to compete in any medal or trophy competition for 1 month from the date of the non completed round. If the player believes they have a valid reason for leaving the course they should send an email or letter to the Competition Committee giving details which may be taken into consideration.
HANDICAPS - Member of Another Club Before Joining Laceby Manor
If you have been a member of another club within the past 6 months where you held a handicap, then this handicap will transfer with you. It will be necessary to give the Secretary a copy of your handicap certificate – detailing your CDH number or details of your CDH number will be sufficient.
The CDH number is your unique reference number which gives details of your handicap record.
handicaps - Not a Member of Another Club Previously
If you have not previously been a member of another club (within the past 6 months) or have not held a handicap it will be necessary to submit score cards. These can be over 18 or 9 holes but must total a minimum of 54 holes.
Each card must be marked and signed by a member of the club.
Score cards to be submitted to the Club Professional who will then allocate.
Handicap Changes
It is a players responsibility to check the notice boards regularly (particularly after playing in competitions) to ascertain whether there have been changes to your playing handicaps.
Individual qualifying competitions are downloaded to HOWDIDIDO and information on your handicap can be obtained through this website.
Buggies There will be limited use of buggies on the course. This is necessary to prevent damage to the course and to reduce the risk of compaction and the soil structure being damaged. It is known that grass is damaged when compressed during a frost.
Trolleys Will be allowed on the course at all times, unless there is frost on the course.
Course decision This will be made by a senior member of staff ahead of the first tee time. A secondary decision with regard to the use of trolleys will be made at 11.00am.
Winter tees Will be in use throughout the winter period. This will give time for the main teeing areas to recover ready for the new season. It also provides different traffic routes from greens to tees and different landing areas on fairways to spread wear and tear and allow worn areas to recover.
Winter greens Will be used when the main greens are covered in frost or when they are deemed too wet to be playable. Over the summer we will cultivate the winter greens to improve their condition and position on the course. When the winter greens are in use they will remain the green in play for the entire day.
Tee times Will be available to reserve from first light but not before 7.00am. Pro shop Will be open 15 minutes prior to the first tee time of the morning.
Snow If snow has fallen on the course to a depth of 10mm or more, the course will be closed to prevent damage. Could all golfers please take note of all signs on the golf course. This will allow the golf course to remain in play for as many days of the year as possible and improve the all year round golfing experience.